Monday, September 30, 2024

The time of waiting, preparing.

 Wow, time flies! The past years were busy ones, Covid Epidemic, post covid, leaving Camp Victoria, coming for internship at Teen Residential facility and know looking for our next mission assignment while taking online college courses.

And so, a new chapter in our lives begins. Finishing our 1 year internship at Eagle Village, and leaving Michigan with our earthly belongings in a small U-Haul trailer, was a big step into a period that seems to be of waiting. Waiting for the next “ministry” God has for us to serve in. Yet, God has been teaching me that the time is indispensable and that “ministry” is found in the present just as much as it is in the future.


In a Bible study a friend sent me a while ago, the speaker, said something that I found interesting, “Today is all you really have, waiting on God is one thing, putting off what you can and should do today is quite another. Because tomorrow always consists of what you do today. So, what do you do in the time of waiting? You don’t waste it, you do what your hands find to do, you prepare yourself, not waiting until someday in the future, you use the day that you have today” (Mrs. Thetus Tenney, youtube, What to do in the waiting). Thus, we are gratefully accepting this time of “waiting” by preparing ourselves and our family the best we can.


“it is not good for a person to be without knowledge, and one who hurries his footsteps errs. (NASB, Proverbs 19:2)

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