Monday, October 26, 2009

Trip to Xakriaba Reservation
We are back from this very successful trip. The Lord protected us as we travelled and our families back home.
We were able to take many donations of clothing, toys and food. Best of all were the Bibles and Christian literature that the Brazilian Bible Society donated for us to take.
Our first stop was at the San Francisco River, were we worked along side a local missionary who ministers to the poor folks who live on the river banks.
The weather was very warm nearly 110F. We nicknamed the bus, "The Microwave of Salvation".
We visited an Orphanage for children ages 0-3 who have gone through starvation or have dratic health problems. There were over 30 kids and we were able to spend some hours with them.
At the reservation we visited the main school and gave out Bibles to teachers and High Schollers. For the younger children we gave out
Christian childrens material. In the evenings we had evangelistical events with plays, songs with an accordian and much more! The folks really enjoyed it.
The Brazilian goverment is making it ilegal for missionaries to go into these tribes. The reponsibility is falling upon the native Christians more and more.
Thank you for your prayers!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Upcoming trip!

On the 17th of this month we will be heading up to the Xakriaba Indian tribe. We are going with a lot of donations and Bibles to be donated. The trip will take around 15 to 20 hours. The financial needs for the project have already been supplied for! Please pray for protection for those that go and the families that stay behind.