Dear friends and family,
Our life is like a cheese. Trouble is that there are mice that want to eat away at this cheese called our life. These mice are sent by a thief whose only aim is to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10) our lives. These mice have different names such as vice, fear, hate, disobedience, bad words etc. Each time we let one of these mice come into our lives, they start to chew away at our life. Slowly they destroy us and make us ugly and filthy. But that is not the end of the story! There is a person who wants to save us from these foes! This person is Jesus and He comes to give us life and life in abundance (John 10:10)! As we read the Bible we set mouse traps around our lives so that when these mice come they get caught as the Truth we learn from the word of God catches their lies. As we pray we let cats into our lives and these chase the persistent mice away. As Jesus helps us to purge our lives from these mice the pieces they tore away are replaced by God’s forgiveness! Who wants Jesus to come into your life and chase the mice that are chewing away at it? Jesus wants to give you life in abundance today!
This was the Bible story we used for the entire month of January as we visited 13 villages and spent the day with kids, teens and mothers from these areas. Over 500 people were impacted and all heard the clear message of the Gospel. We would arrive at these distant villages in the morning and leave in the late afternoon.
Not only did we give the Bible lesson and teach Bible songs but we also organized group games, individual challenges and ate lunch and dinner with these dear people. For most of these children this was the only time during vacation that they would hear a Bible story and participate in a day of fun and games! It was a very busy month but God was faithful as always and took care of us.
We are adjusting well to our new home and the Boys have started school already. We traded the car that had been loaned to us for a 2001 Land Roved Defender 110. This vehicle has proven to be a huge blessing since roads here are very bad and our other car could not withstand them. We have carried up to 18 people in it!!!
We have many challenges ahead of us for this year; working on evangelism in distant villages, me finishing my Moody Bible Training (Final tuition need 1,500), us joining Pioneers Mission Brazil and furlough in the US (Airfare need 7,000). As you know we postponed the furlough trip to the US to the end of this year. We plan to be in the US from November 2011 to February 2012. Together we will conquer all these challenges with God’s help!
God bless you and your family and thank-you for your participation in the work here!!!