Standard small family home in rural area.
Irrigation Kit
Wow! Time just flies when you are having fun! We had an awesome month of September! God opened many doors making it possible for us to continue reaching many with the Word of God. In one meeting alone, at a distant rural community, twenty adults accepted the Lord as the Savior! The most challenging part will definitly be the discipleship. We are already working on it as the Lord Jesus begins to work in the hearts of these new believers through the Holy Spirit.Our prayer is that the seed of the Gospel will NOT be "trampled under foot and the birds of the air" consume it, fall on "rocky soil," withering "away, because it had no moisture" or fall "among the thorns; and the thorns" grow "up with it and choke it out." May it find "the good soil," and grow up, "and produced a crop a hundred times as great"!!! (Luke 8:5-8 NASB)
For august there are many events planned, the irrigation project to finish and a YWAM team to work with for a week in the rural area with evangelistic events! Don´t forget to pray for us!
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