Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Fun Saturday.

Fun Saturday
Our staff has started the Fun Saturday Bible Club program in Tres Ranchos again as a way to evangelize and do some follow-up with the children that come to camp in January and July. The results have been great and 50 to 70 kids have participated in this once a month program.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Intense second semester.

This second semester has been full of work as we further develop the training department of Victoria Ministries. We are putting the on-line studies website up and preparing to start recording the basic classes to put them on this new website. This will be a big blessing as it will make it possible for people interested in Camp Ministry to get training from a distance and then only come for the hands on segment. My dad has also re-edited his book on Camp ministry and will be launching it at a Christian Book Fair in São Paulo the end of this month.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Great July Camps.

Our July camp season was great. We had over 130 kids and teens in the two weeks of camp. Many campers on the second week received scholarships to be able to participate. It is always great to see how much fun these campers have and to see many of them hearing the gospel for the first time. 
 The story of Amanda was one that shows us the impact Camp Ministry can have in the life of a child. She came to camp for at the age of 7 (under our camp scholarship program) and accepted the Lord as her Savior. After that she started attending a church in Tres Ranchos. This was not easy for her as the rest of her family were not Christian and were very abusive. When she was 12 years old her mother accepted her invitation and went to church with her also becoming a Christian. Now at 14 she is praying for others in her family to come to know the Lord and plans on becoming a missionary. 
Thanks for all your prayers!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Our theme for July 2016 winter camps for kids and teens will be, "On The Path To Victory". We are going to use this theme as the Olympics are to be held in Brazil this year in August. Not much to celebrate since Brazil just impeached its president and is dealing with the fact that it's budget for 2016 is over 50 Billion Dollars negative! The country has gone into a terrible recession and many have lost their jobs. Odd enough though we expect a good number of campers as families abandone expensive vacations and seek out more price friendly solutions.
We are planning on having two weeks of camps and also our one month Camp Leadership Training Program and our 5 day Adventure Sport Training Program. 
Please pray for all these programs, for God to send the kids and teens that need to hear the Gospel message, for those leaders taking our training programs and for our staff to have the strength they need.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A time you will never forget!

"Life is precarious, and life is precious. Don’t presume you will have it tomorrow, and don’t waste it today."
- John Piper
How about coming to Brazil for two weeks or more to help us in our
busy month of July?
Our "winter" Camps in July 2016 for kids and teens will be;
11-16 and 18-22
We also have Church retreat rentals on weekends and the 1 month training program for Brazilian Camp leadership going on in July.
There is also the year around opportunity to help in the construction of the Couples and Family Camp.
It is a once in a life opportunity!
Any questions please write:
Alex Rose - Australia

 Holly Rimbey - USA
 Kari Rimbey - USA
Jenny Kallak - Norway

Monday, April 25, 2016

Dear friends and family,
Switching Missions… Yep, we have switched missions. We are still with Victoria Ministries serving as Executive Director, yet now have a different sending mission agency. We were with Pioneers Brazil and have now switched and joined United World Mission (UWM).  

Long story made short… All this started in August last year when the head of finances at Pioneers Mission Brazil contacted me and said that we were going to face new tax law problems in 2016. According to their accountant an extra 27% would have to be removed from the total of our support. Because of this the board of Pioneers Mission Brazil suggested I become member of a Mission in the USA, this way becoming exempt from this new tax law.   
So after praying about this, United World Mission (UWM) was our choice for three reasons: - My parents and brother are serving through United World Mission (UWM). 
- Victoria Ministries has a firm partnership with United World Mission(UWM). 
- United World Mission (UWM) has more than 350 missionaries serving in 45 nations.  

Last week Telma and I took part in the orientation meetings in Charlotte, NC, at the headquarters of United World Mission. We were accepted to serve as missionaries through UWM at Victoria Ministries.   

With that being said, there are some changes in the way support is sent in to us. No more support for us can be sent to Pioneers Mission, but instead to United World Mission with our names and account number attached (Marcos and Telma Pereira #31516). We have attached a form that explains how you can continue to send in your personal monthly support. 

We also have to raise our monthly support level by $300.00 to be fully funded. 

Would you consider joining our monthly support team? 

If you have any questions whatsoever about this switch, 
please be sure to contact us with them.

To participate Financially please fill in the commitment form on the link below

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February Prayer Letter

Dear friends and family,
“…Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.” Psalm 81:10 NASB

         This past week I have been reading the biography of George Muller again. It never ceases to amaze me the courage this man of God had to face such huge obstacles with prayer. The verse above is one that is quoted as being an inspiration for him as he started off on the quest to build the first of many orphanages started by him. The question remains, “Are we opening our mouths wide to be fed by God or are we trying to feed ourselves with our own hands?” Too many times even in ministry, I have found myself trying to “feed myself and ministry” in my own strength. That only leads to eventual starvation. Only when we take steps of faith centered on what God desires for us, can we have the refreshing, nourishing, wonderful and fulfilling experience of being feed by His hand.

Our January Camps were very blessed. We had around 45 kids and teens each week. It was one of the rainiest Januaries we ever had here which made activities extra challenging to manage, yet God blessed us with new ideas and with nice weather at the right moments. We also had eleven Students for our five day Adventure Program Training and six students for our one month Camp Retreat Leadership Program.
The road for Campsite #2 is opened! What a big blessing and an exciting happening for us. First we bushwhacked through the brush to pen a trail then we were able to rent a bulldozer to do the initial clearing and then a scraper from the City Hall came to do the finishing. The new road is about 400 yards long. We wanted to be a little ahead on the construction but we had many weekend church retreats on the last months of 2015 which were wonderful. The next step is to begin construction of our first building and take electricity and water to this new facility.

During their summer vacation the boys did a lot of work around the house. I would like to say they offered their services voluntarily but a little persuasion was needed to get them going… They got a cemented area done for our picnic table and one to park the car. Telma did an awesome job keeping them busy. I told her that if she was in charge of building the pyramids, I bet we would have twice as many of them today! HAHAHA!

My father, who is in charge of the training department of Victoria Ministries and a big chunk of the financial and reservation departments had to do radiation treatment for prostate cancer for two months (November and December) in a town 4 hours away. He is all done with that and is now waiting to do further testing in two months to see how his PSA levels are doing.

 For February we will be having our Carnival Camp for a Church in Uberlandia. One hundred and twenty young people are expected to come.

Please pray for:
-the clearing of the first construction site of Camp #2.
-more staff.
-for my dad, that God may heal him.
-thanks for all the blessings during January Camps
 and training.

God bless you!
Your Friends,
Marcos, Telma and the boys!