Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Faith on the wrong thing is no good.

This past week was marked by a big holiday in which the patron saint of the town we live in is worshiped. 20000 people gather along side many people of our town to worship an idol. Her name is Virgin of the Stone and the town gets its name from her. It is a statue of "Mary" that was found according to the legend in a small cave by dimond prospectors back in 1780. People come to seek her help in interceeding for them before God. Of course this takes Jesus out of the scene and is nothing more than pure idolitry. It makes us sad to see many we have shared the Gospel with loosing themselves in the adoration of this lifeless statue who can neither see, hear or speak. As the Bible says in Jerimiah 50:38,
"A drought ond her waters!
They will dry up.
For it is a land of idols,
idols that will go mad with terror."
Perhaps here the drought in this region is finally explained! For us the next months will be ones of lovingly confronting these evil that tradition has brought upon these dear people. After all Jesus loves them and wants to set them free from this slavery.

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